Privacy Policy

MindSource | Privacy Policy


MindSource Inc. (“the Company”) values your privacy and recognizes your rights regarding any personal data we collect. We also have corresponding obligations. As a global entity, the Company adheres to various international and local privacy laws and has implemented procedures to comply with these regulations.

This privacy policy outlines our principles and practices for collecting, storing, using, and disclosing your data.

This Privacy Policy explains how MindSource gathers, uses, and discloses information, as well as the choices you have concerning your information. It applies to all our customers and visitors.


MindSource is committed to respecting your privacy concerning any information collected through our software applications and websites, collectively referred to as the services.

This Privacy Policy is applicable whenever you use our services.

MindSource provides a range of solutions, managed services, applications, and products. These are collectively referred to as “services.”

Data Retention Policy

We retain your personal information as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is mandated by law (e.g., for tax or legal reasons).

Customer Data – We keep your information as long as you maintain an active services account with us. We may also retain your personal information for extended periods under applicable laws.

MindSource retains Customer Data according to the Customer’s instructions, including any terms in the Customer Agreement, and as required by law. When you close your account, we delete all your personal information.

Other Data – We retain your information as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

MindSource may keep other information about you as long as it is needed for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Additionally, job applicants and former employees are kept in MindSource’s talent pool for potential future opportunities. Upon verified request, MindSource will remove your information from the talent pool where applicable.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Your Rights to Control Data

When using our services, we aim to provide easy methods to access, modify, delete, object to, or restrict the use of your personal information. We strive to offer ways to quickly access and update/modify your data or delete it unless we need to retain it for legal reasons. Some rights are accessible within the MindSource application. Visitors can exercise these rights by contacting us with specific requests.

Protection of Personal Information

Our sites and services employ commercial efforts to maintain safeguards for protecting your personal information.

MindSource takes all reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of potentially personally-identifying information.

Contact Information

You can contact us about this privacy policy or the use of our services.

If you have questions or complaints regarding this Policy, you may contact us through email at [email protected] or by phone at +1-650-314-6400. You may contact us at our mailing address below:

995 Montague Expy #121, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

Privacy Policy Change

MindSource may revise this Privacy Policy periodically at its sole discretion. We encourage visitors and customers to check this page regularly for updates. We will notify you of significant changes in advance via email or a notice when you log into the sites and services, or both. By continuing to use our services after any changes to this Privacy Policy, you accept the updated terms and agree to the revised policy.