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Is your company brand hurting your recruiting process?

The job market for talented tech workers has always been highly competitive, but with today’s low unemployment, it’s only gotten more challenging for companies to attract the best candidates. This is great news for tech employees but it makes it hard for even well-known companies

Why you should consider a Contract Position?

Many job seekers are quick to dismiss contract positions. But permanent, full-time employment isn’t always the best option. In fact, there are some benefits to contract work that can pay off in the long run, and this means these positions are often worth considering.

Overcoming Bias against Older workers in Technology

Companies that have diversity, including age diversity, do better financially. Yet in the tech world, the bias against older workers remains strong. Mark Zuckerberg famously declared that “young people are just smarter,” which validated the pervasive fears of many tech workers that their older age

5 Steps to get your Professional profile in shape for the New Year

Social media for the next few weeks will be flooded with posts about people starting new diets or joining gyms and working on their physical health. The first week of the year inspires people and it is all about fresh starts, but your fresh start does not have to be limited to your physical health. The beginning of the year is a great time to take stock of your professional goals, and also a great time to get your professional profile in shape.

Hiring Trends : Diversity and Inclusion

How can we hire top talent efficiency?  We significantly need to change our behavior to impact our ability to get new talent. Unemployment rates are low, and demand is much more than supply. Are you ready to implement these new hiring trends? If not, you will get left behind. We are rolling out several hiring trends to watch in 2019.  Today, we will be discussing diversity and inclusion.

Key Strategies for Hiring Success in 2024 - Diversity and Inclusion

In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace cannot be overstated. As we navigate through the intricacies of hiring in 2024, it’s crucial for organizations to not only recognize the significance of diversity and inclusion but also to implement robust strategies to foster these values within their corporate culture.

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